Saturday, January 18, 2014


Tulokasretki with Suomen Retkiluistelijat. A trip to learn the basic of group tour skating. Very nice company and route with departure form Porvoo. Blessed with a strong sun and very cold temperature. 18.01.2014

Commuting to work by ice skates

I come usually by bike to work, year around. I tried to diversify that and I came by ski over the ice, by bike over the ice, by kayak in summer. I couldn't hope that the conditions would be that good to have skatable ice all the way from Otaniemi to Töölö! Now it is done with Emile. -14°C, 5 m/s of wind from North-east. Ice was between 12 to 5 cm thickness. Departure was at 17h10. 17.01.2014. Let's see until when the conditions remain so good.

The route map

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tour skating time.

What does a couple of -15°C nights mean? We get to go skating on the sea! We just had to walk 500 meters from office, put on our skates and go around Lajaalahti twice. Strong ice, 8 cm thick, very smooth surface. Sunshine, sunset and moonrise. The winter is good to me! Next step: commute to work on skates. 15.01.2014

First snow in Nuuksio

First snow in Nuuksio, just enough to lay a blanket on every tree. Very nice hike with Florian.