Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sub24 February edition - skiing to Nuuksio

A special sub24 edition: only on ski, destination Nuuksio. Well the concept didn't gathered a big crowd. Only Tuisku and me were at the meeting point.

Departure from an unknown train station, Tuomarila, already at night. Finding the tracks wasn't so easy but rewarded us of a nice walk by the big roads. Once the tracks were found, the trip become smoother. It was a slow shade of landscapes from the suburbs of Espoo, to some highway area near Bemböle to finally enter in the big sub24 temple: the forest of Nuuksio. I felt humble skiing in the night among all these tall and old spruces. We had enough light from the reflection of the light of the city on the clouds.

We woke up after a cosy night in Sulalampi and headed towards Luukki. And it was a surprise to me to see how bewitchingly beautiful this small lost ski track is. Very inspiring.

Looking forward for another long overnight skiing trip. We learned that jesusteippi deserves its nickname. Just tape your foot which threats to form a blister and the miracle works.

  Meeting point and departure.

One sub24-er fixing a puncture.

Towards the end

Sunday, February 17, 2013


In French
Un peu d’exploration culinaire nordique. Aujourd’hui, c’est taimen. Ou de la truite de lac. Un poisson hautement prisé par les pêcheurs de Laponie et pratiquement inconnu sur les assiettes du grand public.
Donc voilà, farcir la bête d’un mélange de ciboulette, aneth, sel poivre et rondelle de citron. Effectuer de large entaille sur le côté du poisson, y ajouter de la farce. Faire couler un filet d’huile d’olive sur le poisson et enfourner vers 180 °C pour 30 minutes (selon la taille de votre poisson).
Accompagné d’un risotto aux morilles (ramassées à Helsinki même !), le taimen est excellent. La chaire à un goût très savoureux.
Chercher votre propre taimen à Stockman ou à kauppahalli. C’est du poisson sauvage et local.

In English
A little bit of culinary exploration. Taimen, a souhgt-after fish from Lapland. A fisherman dream but almost forgotten by the main consumer. Too bad because the flesh is particularly tasty and subtle. Cocked with a morel risotto, it was excellent. Look for your own taimen in Stockmann or kauppahalli. It is wild and local.
Who would dare to say that Finnish food is limited?
